Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine

La Jolla, CA

Working with Fentress Architects and Civitas, Project Design Consultants provided civil engineering and surveying services for the project where LEED Gold certification is anticipated. Project Design Consultants (PDC) was responsible for the project applicable mass grading, precise grading, infrastructure improvements, and surface improvements both within and along Torrey Pines Road and Scenic Torrey Pines Drive. PDC survey performed all construction staking services.  The project is located on the campus of the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) and is situated west of Torrey Pines Road, east of the Glider port, south of Torrey Pines golf course, and north of Scenic Torrey Pines Drive. The project site area is approximately 7.5-acres. The 135,000 SF world-class research building, with four above grade levels and one below grade level with an adjacent parking lot for +/- 426 vehicles.


Project milestones include:


  • Multiple agency processing and coordination; UCSD, City of San Diego, Caltrans, Coastal Commission
  • Mass/Precise grading and on-site infrastructure processed/approved through UCSD FD&C including conversion of a massive concrete lined drainage channel to an 84-inch RCP and  relocation of existing water lines
  • Two sets of public improvement plans processed/approved through City of San Diego
  • Re-alignment of existing fixed wing glider runway processed/approved through Caltrans
  • Remedial grading to mitigate drainage issues on Torrey Pines South Golf Course processed/approved through City of SD Park and Recreation department




• Engineering

• Survey











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