This project involved a 1.5-acre parcel at the southwest corner of Goold Boulevard and Central Avenue in the City of Avondale. Project Design Consultants (PDC) prepared grading, drainage, paving, water, sewer, fire line, storm drain (onsite), and SWPPP plans for this administrative/classroom building for the Maricopa County Community College District. This site had some special drainage issues. The site is located in a slight sump area drained by a storm drain and if storm runoff were to exceed the storm drain capacity, an alley provided an overflow outlet. PDC performed some supplemental survey of this overflow route and located the building finish floor elevation 12 inches above the overflow channel invert to assure that the finish floor would be adequately elevated from flooding from the 1% chance storm event.




  • Civil Engineering
  • Construction Assistance (response to RFIs)

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